RapidClean range meets recognised eco-label criteria

Date: 30-11-2018

RapidClean now supplies a range of cleaning equipments that meet the conditions of Accord’s recognised eco-label criteria which identify environmentally preferable commercial cleaning products.

Recognised products have undergone independent third-party scientific assessment against a rigorous multiple criteria standard. The recognised scheme was reviewed by an independent expert panel of toxicologists as a “sound and robust…science-based, targeted and pragmatic set of criteria”, coupled with a “sound and transparent” third-party scientific accreditation process.

Not only are the products environmentally friendly, but they are also supported with a full suite of supporting documents including SDS, risk assessments, product information sheets, wall charts, and training manuals. The products have screen printed bottles, conditional free on loan dispensers, and a complimentary online safe chemical handling course for all RapidClean customers.

“It doesn’t need to cost more to use environmentally friendly products and you do not need to compromise performance,” said RapidClean national business development manager Tim Smith.


Cleaning products


Source: Inclean Magazine November-December 2018; Page 55





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