Brushes & Brooms
Selecting the correct Brush or Broom for you
When it comes to cleaning up a floor, we often tend to go for the more traditional options of brushes and brooms, from a push option or the everyday household straw variation, these can actively be used to clean your space. Just as there are different surfaces to clean, there are also the different types of solutions available that are ideally suited to different surfaces. Each is designed for a specific cleaning need, read on to see the full range on offer.
Corn Style
A stiff broom usually made from 100% corn or a mixed corn fiber blend that is often used to sweep sidewalks, barn aisles, and other areas requiring small amounts of heavy wet or dry debris to be moved easily.
Angle Style
Most often used where a heavier option may scratch flooring or cause damage. The bristles for an angle option are typically synthetic and are softer and less likely to damage surfaces. Available in various sizes and styles, some angle variations are cut on a severe angle to allow them to easily sweep debris from corners.
Upright Style
Best for smooth surfaces such as tile, wood floors, sealed concrete, patios, driveways, or job sites. Upright options are made with fine synthetic or polystyrene fibers to handle wet or dry debris, dust, or hair, whether it’s indoors or outdoors. There are many sizes and styles; some are cut on an angle to reach under theater or bus seats, furniture or even to clean baseboards. Many even feature protective bumpers.
Push Style
Used to sweep a large area quickly, such as heavy dirt on concrete or other rough surfaces, the wide head of a push style product can clean large areas quickly. This long-handled option has a long, flat head, attached on an angle to a wooden handle. The fiber bristles may be soft or hard, and available in a variety of materials.
Deck Style
Featuring durable bristles and blocks, it is designed for use with liquids, such as floor cleaners, detergents, and solvents. A deck option often has a long handle for reaching high areas and can be submerged without losing shape or durability.
Scrub Style
Ideal for heavy-duty scrubbing, scrub brushes are typically lightweight and feature polypropylene bristles for durability in wet applications.
Tampico Style
A good multi-purpose product offers the natural vegetable fibers of a Tampico brush that works well with water but are also highly resistant to heat, alkali, solvents, and acid.
Wash Style
Designed primarily for vehicle cleaning and have either a metal or flow-through handle. These options feature soft bristle ends that are gentle enough to use on auto exteriors or paint without scratching but yet are powerful enough to clean road salt, grime, and ground-in dirt. The fiber bristles of a wash product are typically mounted in plastic blockheads to withstand heavy use in such environments as garages and warehouses.
Selecting the ideal cleaning tool isn’t just about choosing between a broom or a brush. It’s also about what is the proper thickness, fiber length and fiber material best suited to your task at hand. Not only will making the right choice save time when cleaning up, but it will also increase efficiency and produce better overall results – capturing debris rather than simply pushing it around. Choosing the right products for your setting will ensure less replacing and more efficient work.
So, how do you actually select the right broom or brush?
You must consider a couple of things first. From the project or task at hand, and what it requires, as well as the type of surface being cleaned, you need to be aware of the cleaning materials being used and the materials needed, like solvents, detergents, and more. Temperature, conditions, materials and general situation. These factors all determine the type of fiber needed to obtain the proper absorbency, durability and scratch-resistant qualities for the task at hand.
You can be sure that no matter how tough the cleaning challenge, there’s a hardworking tool to help overcome it. Check out our wide selection today! If you are unsure of the broom or brush required contact one of our technical staff members to discuss further.
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