260102 Fresh 5L Washroom Disinfect Clean

Stock Code:
$30.30 Excl GST


Fresh offers a deeping penetrating cleaning action to remove soils and malodours at the source. Fresh rapidly cleans and disinfects showers, sink basins, tiles and toilets efficiently. Fresh is formulated with a combination of corrosion inhibitors and is safe on most surfaces including ceramics, porcelain, and plastics including Formica, glass, chrome and stainless steel.
Fresh uses organic acids and biodegradable detergents to rapidly break down soap scum, body fats, oils and soils on contact. The high-foaming detergents suspend the soil in solution once removed from the surface. Persistent mal odours in bathrooms and washrooms come from difficult-to-remove bacteria penetrated into old, porous ceramic tiles. Fresh can kill and remove these bacteria at the source. Fresh has been evaluated as per the criteria of the EN 1276 bactericidal test against the following organisms at a dilution of 100mL/L with 10-minute contact time:
• S. aureus
• E. coli
• P. aeruginosa
• E. hirae

• Pleasant citrus perfume
• Free rinsing acidic detergent
• Leaves surfaces sparkling clean
• Removes soap scum and hard water deposits
• Kills odour-causing bacteria
• Suitable for use on glass & stainless steel
• Easy to use
• Biodegradable
• Phosphate, chlorine and ammonia free

Disinfection: Dilute 100mL/L, allow 10 minutes contact time before removing.
General Cleaning: Dilute 100mL/L for heavy cleaning and 50mL/L for light cleaning/spray and wipe

Remember Safety Data Sheets are available for chemicals being used and stored. See here for an easy download.